Furniture re-dos

A Painted Chair success!!! Whoo Hoo!!

After my last painted chair fail. I was very anxious to get a re-do.

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It took a while, but a chair finally came up on freecycle that was an excellent candidate- a white Queen Anne style wingback. Whoo hoo! Went to pick it up and the gal who was getting rid of it was delightful. I’d love to be her friend- Super fun, and just friendly- talked to her for nearly an hour.

Here it the before:

white wingback chair before painting. Wood legs and arms

Cute, nothing technically “wrong” with it. Kind of boring… certainly doesn’t go with our overall decor…. Great “bones”….Perfect.

I decided to use the Simply Spray product this time. In my testing it out for the last chair I loved that it left a really soft “hand” (the way the fabric feels)- You basically can’t tell anything has been done to the fabric by touch. I debated between their Deep Purple and Caribbean Blue- both awesome colors and after posting it on my facebook page to see what my friends who know me best thought, I decided to go with purple.

It took the purple cans out to my back yard and just started spraying. I love how easy it goes on. How it has an actual paint spray trigger not the hairspray kind on the Tulip Fabric Spray Paint. I pulled the folds open to really get the paint in there. I originally bought 6 cans. It wasn’t enough.

This is 9 cans: I Really think I could probably still use a few more.. might be a touchup for another day.

small child in toy story shirt examining chair for "missed spots". chair painted purple with wood legs and arms.

I love the way the color brought out the pattern in the fabric. It’s really rich looking. The pictures aren’t doing it justice. I knew I was going to paint the wood parts so I didn’t bother masking them. The paint actually wipes off fairly easily with a damp cloth on the wood even after it’s dry.

I pulled out my paint selections and decided to go with a Sterling Silver. What do you think? I plan on one more coat of paint on the wood before I’ll feel like it’s right. I do think this is MUCH better than the last try…..

painted queen ann chair purple chair with silver arms and legs

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  • Reply
    Rebecca @ Shoved to Them
    July 30, 2012 at 9:30 PM

    Love it!

  • Reply
    How cool! (aka TWO posts in one day…what the heck?!) « My current compulsion
    August 23, 2012 at 4:09 PM

    […] Spray (the people who make the fabric spray paint I used for the purple chair makeover) have entered it in a contest on their facebook page. How cool is […]

  • Reply
    Our Boat and Vinyl (Seriously) Spray Paint.. « My current compulsion
    August 29, 2012 at 11:16 PM

    […] the meantime, I discovered Simply Spray Fabric Paint (see my purple chair post here) and immediately joined their facebook page (here) when I was so happy with the results of their […]

  • Reply
    January 12, 2016 at 2:33 PM

    I am debating between the plum and deep purple color. do you find this soft paint stick and lasts ? since it is originally for clothing. Just wondering what to do .

    • Reply
      January 12, 2016 at 9:34 PM

      Hi there! After using this product, the fabric feels the same way it did before I used the paint. The “hand” is virtually unchanged. It’s been years, I still have the chair, the color is just as vibrant and I am very happy with the way it turned out. I would totally recommend this product as long as you realize it isn’t opaque. So if you have a pattern or shading on your fabric now, you’re probably going to see it through the new color.

  • Reply
    Our Boat and Vinyl Spray Paint..(Seriously) - Saved by Scottie
    April 14, 2020 at 1:16 PM

    […] the meantime, I discovered Simply Spray Fabric Paint (see my purple chair post) and immediately went to their facebook page when I was so happy with the results of their product. […]

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