Gift Ideas Projects Ryobi Shabby Paints

A Quick Father’s Day Gift

Father’s Day is coming… Did you know that? It’s next weekend (eeek)! I am NEVER prepared and this year not only do I have the gift ready, it wasn’t even expensive. I spent $7.37 and he loves it (I had to give it to him early or I wouldn’t be able to tell you about it).

I have a fabulous stencil I bought from Muddaritaville Studio ages ago. I love it and knew it was perfect for our “new” oasis. I wasn’t really feeling like I had the time to pull apart the pallets I needed so at Home Depot I came across these:

SxS father day 2016 Home Depot stakes

In a package of 12 there were more than what I needed. I cut them to 12″ with my fabulous Ryobi miter saw and lined them up on top of two random pieces of wood I had lying around:

SxS father day 2016 layout

I added glue to the back pieces and then used my fab Ryobi brad nailer to attach all the stakes on top. When I was done, it looked like this:

SxS father day 2016 raw sign

I stained it with a custom mix of Hazelnut and Black Shabby Paints ReVAX

SxS father day 2016 stained base

and once dry, lined up the stencil.

SxS father day 2016 stencil

I knew my husband wouldn’t care for the “froofy” stuff on the top, so I just pretended it wasn’t there and worked around it.

I considered just leaving it like this:

SxS father day 2016 first check

or even this:

SxS father day 2016 maybe done

because really.. that’s the point of the porch. The rest of it was cute though, and I went to all the trouble to make a sign that fit it all, so I filled it in.

Oh, stenciling tip- tape it to your surface on one side, like a hinge, you can check the appearance frequently if needed and it lays right back down in the same place and the design doesn’t go wonky on you.

SxS father day 2016 done

I did 2 coats of the white so it was easy to read. then once good and dry, I went over it with 400 grit sandpaper to make it look a little aged.

And here it is in place:

SxS father day 2016 in place

He totally loves it and even posted about it on Instagram immediately. I’m just excited I have it done in time to share with you AND give it to him for Father’s Day. It’s perfect on the porch and now I obviously need more art or signs to fill up that space…any ideas?


(Ryobi has been incredible and given me amazing tools to share with you- I am so grateful. All opinions are my own and always be.)

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  • Reply
    Susan Johnson
    June 10, 2016 at 3:19 PM

    What a wonderful and quick gift!! Perfect!

    • Reply
      June 10, 2016 at 5:20 PM

      Thanks! I’m sure I’ll never be able to do it again (on time and he likes it) but I’ll enjoy it this year! 😉

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