
ADK home

I thought you might like a bit of a glimpse into my world… this is where we go for at least a week every summer. The past few years we’ve been able to get away for a bit longer and the past two years we have managed to come up Labor Day weekend to help my father-in-law close up for the season.

Way back in the 1920’s my husband’s great-grandfather built a cabin in the woods…on the lake in the Adirondacks.

ADK house view ADK dock view

Blessed, right? We love it here. It’s rustic. VERY rustic. I mean we have running water (it comes straight from the lake) and electricity and beds and a…yes, A shower. This cabin sleeps 14-16 people and it has one shower. Like I said, the water is straight from the lake… so sometimes it’s easier just to go swimming.

There is an extra tub in the bathroom off the kitchen.

ADK main bath ADK tub

How amazing is that tub? It’s old and perfect and I just love it. They sell kits to add a shower to it- It’s on my list for next year, I just have to find the right one.

Back in the day, the family lived in Canajoharie, NY. Brian’s great-grandfather worked at Beech Nut. The family would come up here and spend the summer and he would commute back and forth to work. When they wanted to update the house, they’d drag the old furniture up here. This place is filled with amazing treasures that were basically just the castoffs from every day life. Up here they don’t get as much use and as a result are in INCREDIBLE condition… I mean given their age.

This is where the Hoosier came from and why it wasn’t the hardest restoration project in the world.

Here is what we call the bunk room.

ADK bunk dresser ADK bunk rm

Isn’t that dresser just gorgeous? Before we started coming up here with my oldest girls 10 years ago, this room hadn’t been used in probably 20 years.

In the back bedroom there is a set of twin beds and this treasure:

ADK vanity

Don’t you love it? Pardon my children’s mess.

There’s the main bedroom and the only full bed that has this dresser:

ADK main bed

Neat huh? Painted furniture from forever ago. The design is in surprisingly good shape too!

Outside there is a separate building that houses a workshop on one side and another bedroom on the other. We call it the Motel.

ADK motel

…another set of twin beds (painted frames) and a few more really cool pieces. My oldest daughter and her best friend like to stay out here. There’s no bathroom but we hope one day to just put in a small half bath to make it more comfortable.

This doesn’t look like so much fun for kids does it? DSL internet, limited to no cell service, no cable…. here’s the draw for them:

ADK rock climb

Rocks to climb on…

ADK beach

docks to crawl under and water to wade in…

boat interior

a crazy boat to climb over, and drive, and tube with. (better shots of the boat and interior here)

Why do we love it? (Of course besides the history and low-cost vacation part)

ADK sunset


What do you do for family get-away time?

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  • Reply
    Kathy van Gogh
    September 2, 2013 at 10:49 AM

    Looks. Like. Heaven.

  • Reply
    Eliesa @ Pinterest Addict
    September 2, 2013 at 10:56 AM

    Gorgeous sunset! I would love to have a vacation home like that! Maybe someday 🙂

  • Reply
    Our Boat and Vinyl Spray Paint..(Seriously) - Saved by Scottie
    April 14, 2020 at 1:15 PM

    […] it and what I used it on. I’ve told you about my husband’s family place up in the Adirondacks… it’s right on a lake. It’s rustic and amazing and we love it […]

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