Hi there! Lets try something new and fun today, shall we? I was contacted by my fabulous friend Elisa over at A Pinterest Addict to participate in a blog hop….what is a blog hop?, you ask. Well, this particular…
Just Me
Ok, computer issues handled… it’s not all better but I can post things and have a general handle on the most urgent of situations that occurred as a result of being computer less for several days and having to…
For those of you that know me personally, you’ve probably already seen some of the photos. For those of you that don’t, I thought I would share some of what I do when I’m not a mess of paint…
Well, here it is.. my news I have been so excited about for so very long. I am going to be filming a web series!! Can you believe it?! I am so stinkin’ excited I can’t stand it!! I…
Today’s post has nothing to do with DIY…. You won’t believe me when you see the photo… though it’s the truth. It’s been quite an adventure around here in the last few days… and it’s so ridiculous, I have…
Me- tee hee. Do you remember a few months ago I filmed a spot for the National Association of Home Builders Green Building Standard? You can read about that in this post. The video is live now and available…
I have found some pretty neat gift ideas in the last few weeks looking around, everything from photo phone cases to tool kits, and a decent amount of fashion options… I figure I can’t be the only one who…
My daughter Gracie is a bit of a nut. This is her best JC Penney “back to school model” impersonation. …and Jack plays in the leaves. Gracie turns 5 today. Yesterday we went to Maw Maw’s house to celebrate…
Happy Day after Halloween! Thought you’d like to see part of my crew: The beautiful redhead decided to spray paint her hair black… surprisingly it wasn’t bad. It even came out…mostly. She says she still has black at the…
You may recall in my last post I mentioned filming an educational video with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). It was SO much fun! The piece is a very basic explanation about the National Green Building Standard…