Tile can transform a space. If you don’t believe me, check out my kitchen update… or see what happened in this rv. You may recall what it used to look like before, and then we added shiplap. Now we…
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rv and vanlife
You may recall I have been working on remodeling an rv (links to all the associated posts are below). We left off with the couple who purchased it parking it here and immediately tearing everything out of it…. and…
If you have been following me on Instagram, you may have seen the photos I have posted of desk tops, doors, and rv stuff… you might be confused… hopefully this post will clear it up for you. A few months…
I am up to my eyeballs in projects…It’s taking all my time lately so I thought I would give you a little summary of it all and you will have an idea of where I have been… I’ll get…