My apologies for the lapse in posts. We had a several day power outage due to a power pole being sheered in half by a falling tree and the power lines laying in the driveway the whole time. It…
Shabby Paints
Of course I forgot the before picture.. so please just trust me that this was high gloss cherry-ish and boring. Since I am a ding-dong, let’s do things a little backwards today… Here is how the buffet looks finished:…
Father’s Day is coming… Did you know that? It’s next weekend (eeek)! I am NEVER prepared and this year not only do I have the gift ready, it wasn’t even expensive. I spent $7.37 and he loves it (I…
A few months ago I took our old hall entry table and made it over to sell in the shop. We purchased it at World Market years ago and it served us well at the old house. The style…
A few weeks ago I had a friend give me this little table. I looked at it for a while and it popped in my head that it looks a lot like the detailed and etched silver platters on…
Recently I had a client bring me a table to update. She thought it was cute, but wanted it to go with her current decor scheme and thought a shelf would make it a more useable side table. I…
After the bookshelf I decided the next thing to tackle was a kitchen island makeover (and peninsula too). I knew something eye-popping would really help get the house sold quickly. I saw this cool product and wanted to give…
Today’s post is a quick one, but I am really quite proud of this Levi’s inspired table and need to show it off. My favorite client handed me a table with this statement- “it’s for my grandson, do you…
Taking a break from the never-ending deck… I had to get my paint on. I grabbed a super ugly lamp and went to town with Shabby Shimmers… I started with a quick coat of Shabby Paints Marsala Wine chalk…
In a moment of utter exhaustion over deck drama (read about that here), I snuck out for a bit of paint therapy… well stain actually. Shabby Paints Home Design has a fabulous new product called Gelato Gel Stain- Have…
The 5-year-old is learning the wonders of the Xbox. We had a 360 that was 10 years old. Remember 10 years ago when the 360 first came out and you couldn’t find them anywhere? It was the grown up…
Not too long ago we moved into a new home in the country. The house is cute, and the property is fabulous… the inside, however, really lacked in character and personality. I had a friend need some film footage…
My how time flies when you’re overwhelmed… SOO much to do around here and no time to do it all. I am admitting defeat and doing what I can. A few weeks ago my oldest and I went on…
Ok, if you’ve been a reader here for a while, you know how much I love my Ryobi Power Tools Corner Cat Sander. I mean really- look over to the right, I am making out with one. 😉 I…
Hey there! Today I am going to show you a “quick” dresser re-do. If anyone ever tells you painting furniture is easy and quick… I am guessing the possibility exists, they have never done it or done it correctly….…