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Pure Bond

before and after of closet makeover main wall
Aspect tiles Makeovers Projects Pure Bond

My Closet Makeover

Our closet is in the master bathroom. It’s a walk in, though rather small. My guess has always been that it was a custom buildout when the house was rebuilt after burning down in the early 90s. The configuration…

Aspect tiles Events Projects Pure Bond Sponsors

Skyline Art

I love teaching Make It Take It workshops at Home Shows. Introducing people to new products and showing them DIY is nothing to be afraid of is one of my very favorite things and this year is no exception.…

Saved by Scottie rustic key holder complete in place
Projects Pure Bond Ryobi Sponsors

A Rustic key holder

A few months ago I found a really neat rustic key holder on one of those “deal” websites and was totally bummed when it was sold out. I took a look at it and just knew I could make…