Furniture re-dos Shabby Paints

Desperation and Inspiration

In a moment of utter exhaustion over deck drama (read about that here), I snuck out for a bit of paint therapy… well stain actually. Shabby Paints Home Design has a fabulous new product called Gelato Gel Stain- Have you heard of it?! (it’s VOC FREE, non-toxic, and no drip- you can read more about it here)

I have a blogging friend who is a genius and developed the most beautiful technique with stain. Her name is Beth and she blogs over at Sawdust and Embryos. If you have never seen her work, I HIGHLY encourage you to go over there and have a look- she has more talent that I could ever even dream about. After I was lucky enough to have her show me how to do it, I had to give it a whirl with the new product!

I started with this pathetic little side table I ran and grabbed out of the storage container (Yes, the picture is absolutely horrid, I am SO sorry and terribly embarrassed it’s the only one I had).

SxS flower table before

Heading back to the barn I had a friend waiting for me. Isn’t he cute? (ok, admittedly he looks a bit grumpy, but it WAS kind of early)

SxS flower table greeting

I had two ladies come over for a class and while they painted the tables they brought, I tried out Beth’s amazing technique… I figured if it was a disaster, I would just paint over it and who would know? Well, my new friends… but they seemed like they could keep a secret and I was willing to risk it.

SxS flower table top before paint

I sketched out a basic design on the top and went for it. I think it turned out pretty good for my first try.

A quick coat of Shabby Paints Dynasty Blue:

SxS flower table progress

and I think she’s ready for a new home… any takers?

SxS flower table After




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