Furniture re-dos Makeovers Uncategorized van Gogh collection

Furniture Makeup? Glamour Glaze

Might the thought of “Why on earth would you put makeup on Furniture?” be running through your head as you read the title of this post? The van Gogh chalk paint collection has this super fun line of finishing products for your pieces that are insanely easy to use. I know there are plenty of people who read this blog and aren’t near a van Gogh Paintologist (what we call our retailers) so I’ll be doing a series of posts as I finish pieces to highlight the products in the collection and hopefully give you some inspiration to give them a shot.

Today is all about Glamour Glaze. It’s a silver glaze that really adds that special “bling” to your piece.

I found this side table online and went to see it.

Glamour glaze before

In the listing it looked MUCH larger than it was. It’s really the size of a nightstand. It’s a reproduction and really nothing special. Banged up and the intricate “carvings” are actually plastic. The perfect specimen for some furniture makeup if you ask me.

GG before GG before

One of our Paintologists had posted a picture of the van Gogh color Patina with our Glamour Gaze over it. It was all the Inspiration I needed and I went to town.

Two quick coats of Patina left it looking a bit like this:

gg all patina

Looks plain and really needs the details highlighted. Rather than using a dark wax… that would be expected, the Glamour Glaze would really turn it up a notch I think.

This is what it looks like in the jar.

Glamour Gaze

Just a pretty silver-grey. Brushed on though… look out!

I decided just to highlight the “carvings”. There was the weird texture places on top and on the sides and the flourishes on the bottom, plus the spots on the drawers too. That should be plenty.

I took a synthetic brush and brushed it on. It looked like this:

 Saved by Scottie glamour glaze

I used some damp cheesecloth to wipe it back. I take the wet cloth and wad it up into a ball with the “tail” parts wadded up so as not to drag and make “trails” in my work.

Saved by Scottie cheesecloth ball

I just wipe back the raised places and edges of the relief pieces.

Saved by Scottie GG wiped back

Waiting for it to dry I took a look at the hardware. It was a bronze color and I wasn’t “feeling” it. So I did this:

Saved by Scottie GG hardware b4 IMG_0623

I just brushed on the glamour glaze on top and then dabbed at it slightly with the wet cheesecloth.

Once everything was dry, I gave it all a coat of wax and put everything back together.

Here’s some shots of the finished product:

IMG_0633 IMG_0635 IMG_0634 IMG_0633 IMG_0627

Saved by Scottie Glamour Glaze

That’s just a little of what Glamour Glaze can do. Layer it over Mascara or Revenge for that “Zinc” look, Don’t wipe it back at all for a solid silver finish, highlight it more with dark wax… a so much more. What do you want to try?

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  • Reply
    April 29, 2013 at 1:10 AM

    I love it!!! That really turned out so pretty, the glaze is perfect for it.

  • Reply
    Vanessa maykish
    June 8, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    Love this peice! Wish I could find all the products used.

    • Reply
      June 8, 2013 at 1:40 PM

      Thank you Vanessa! Any vanGogh chalk paint collection Paintologist (retailer) should have the paint and glaze I used. I can’t help you with the side table though…I found that on Craigslist. 🙂

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