Furniture re-dos Makeovers

Hoosier Done (…ish)!

Did you know that the HD card in your fancy camera has a tab on the side that can keep you from being able to delete files from it? No? Me either. My wonderful 13-year-old daughter did a Power Point presentation on bullying about 6 months ago for school. Somehow she managed to save it to the card for my camera. As a result, I have been unable to use the card with a card reader to upload photos to my computer… until tonight… when I finally googled “can’t delete file from sd card” and discovered that there is a toggle switch on the side of the card…that if you toggle it…allows you to delete the files….. Y   e    s   it was “that” easy.

So now that is taken care of… On with the show!

Remember the Hoosier cabinet my husband’s family let me take home to redo last summer? No? Why not? It was after all only an entire YEAR ago? Well, you can find the first post about it here.

Here are some previously unseen photos of the before:

Hoosier befores

Cleaning out all the mouse nests was SO fun… (insert sarcasm here)

It’s done! (Well, done as it’s going to be for now, and done enough to go back to camp)

Want to see? Ok…. Can I show you anyway?

Here it is in place:

1925 Hoosier top 1925 Hoosier top left 1925 Hoosier open top 1925 Hoosier in place

So here is why I say done..ish. Apparently I left one of the knobs for the drawers at home in Virginia- can you see? There is a small glass piece that slides into the top left flour bin to keep things from falling in (also left at home and the tambour doors aren’t done… like at all. I skipped them. I have to strip each piece i.n.d.i.v.i.d.u.a.l.l.y. yes… pain in the neck…. and I’ll do it later… It’s been broken for so many years, I really don’t think anyone will notice. Until I bring it back, and it can then close…. next year. (oh, and the trim piece to hold that on is still at home)

Other than that, it’s done. Here’s the side by side:

Hoosier Before After

UPDATE: If anyone is interested the products I used for this pieces are van Gogh chalk paint collection in “Chivalry” and a Natural Wax finish on the outside, “Halo” with the van Gogh Table Top Finish for hard as nails protection on the interior.

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  • Reply
    A Pinterest Addict
    August 16, 2013 at 9:43 PM

    Looks gorgeous! Great job 🙂

  • Reply
    Rebecca @ Shoved to Them
    August 16, 2013 at 9:46 PM


  • Reply
    August 16, 2013 at 9:50 PM

    Thank you ladies! I am SO glad it’s done. I do hope the relatives like it too when they finally see it (won’t be till next Summer unfortunately now).

  • Reply
    Kathy van Gogh
    August 17, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    Wow, you did an awesome job! I love how you treated the inside trim with a different colour than the frames of the doors. It really looks wonderful. WHat did you do to the enamel dough kneading surface? It looks so good!

    • Reply
      August 17, 2013 at 2:52 PM

      Thank you Kathy! I was lucky, the porcelain top was actually in pretty good shape. There are a few scratches and minor stains I couldn’t get out but most of those are in the back part that isn’t visible unless you pull it out. I cleaned the top with a mixture of baking soda and water to polish it up and that took off most of the stains and pitting. I could get more aggressive with the stains that are left, I just don’t want to risk damaging the finish.

  • Reply
    Jann Hopkins
    September 20, 2020 at 6:26 PM

    I will be looking for a Hoosier next June, when we move into our new home.

    Can we discuss you finding one for me?

    • Reply
      October 7, 2020 at 4:18 PM

      Hi Jann! Absolutely! I sent you an email directly.

  • Reply
    Beth Bird
    October 29, 2020 at 9:40 AM

    Can you use the flour and sugar dispensers?

    • Reply
      November 2, 2020 at 6:55 AM

      Hi Beth! Yes! They would just have to be cleaned out really well first. With the seasonal way the cabin is used, airtight containers work better.

  • Reply
    January 11, 2021 at 7:49 PM

    You did a great job with your Hoosier. I have one just like it and it has a tag that says it’s a Hoosier Beauty.

    • Reply
      January 1, 2022 at 4:30 PM

      Thank you so much and I agree completely!

  • Reply
    August 6, 2022 at 2:31 PM

    I have the exact same style Hoosier. I have seen this same cabinet listed as a 1922. Do you know what year your cabinet is? I did find a stamp on the bottom of the upper portion of the cupboard but it is not a date so I don’t know how to interpret it. My Hoosier is oak so I have taken off the old varnish, sanded and am finishing with oil based polyurethane. I have just finished the tambour doors and yes it is very tedious and time consuming but I wanted my cupboard to have all original parts. If they are in bad shape or you don’t have the patience to tackle, you can order new ones from

    • Reply
      May 4, 2023 at 2:43 PM

      I bought the Hoosier “bible” Hoosier Cabinets by Phillip D Kennedy. It tells you all kinds of wonderful history about all the types of cabinets and includes how to date them if there are original markings left on back. Here is a link to it on Amazon if you want to check it out: (affiliate)

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