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Makeovers Projects

The longest project ever

If you have been following me on Instagram, you’ve most likely seen some pictures of the deck. If you have any concept of time, you have noticed that it seems to be dragging on for quite a while. Yea……

new master tub
Makeovers Projects

Bathroom Saga conclusion-ish

Ok, so I re-read the post from day 2 and it sounds kind of… mean. I don’t like the direction this master bath saga is going, so I’ll just wrap this story up to a master bath conclusion. The…

Makeovers Projects

Bathroom saga continued…

This is the second part of the master bath saga. Feel free to catch up on part 1, it’s ok, I’ll wait. Day Two: my new friends show up and start to work. I can’t imagine they’d like me…

Makeovers Projects

The saga of the master bath…

Before I begin, let me show you our old bathroom: So late last year, we decided the fear of falling through the floor was getting old and maybe it was time to look into re-doing the master bath. Doing…