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Just Me Projects

My best find yet!

I love finding unique and fun pieces and when I saw this map/blueprint cabinet I had to try to get it. These things are so hard to find because they are so drool worthy- this was absolutely my best find…

Furniture re-dos Shabby Paints

Using Shimmers to Transform

Howdy! It’s been a while, life is screaming on and it’s almost Thanksgiving! What the heck happened?! Quick update on where I’ve been…. our dear family member passed on, taking care of all the afters is almost as daunting…


My foyer declutter

Where have I been? Purging! The kids being home from school and underfoot is a momentum killer every year… that I was prepared for. The oldest graduating from high school and the ridiculous number of events and just “stuff” that…


Thrift Score Thursday

Wandering through the thrift stores today I came across these pieces…. How’s that for a score? I’m headed to Canada tomorrow to see new products coming down the pipeline and learn some new techniques. Woot!! SUPER excited and can’t…

Furniture re-dos Makeovers

Some Before and Afters….

So I have been busy… some days I’m not quite sure with what… but busy none the less. I DO actually have something to show for it at the moment though: What do you think? Here’s a bit closer…