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Blogging Modern Masters Ryobi Sponsors

Haven Conference 2014

I just got back from Haven Conference 2014! This year was even more incredible than the last! There were so many really cool companies that want to get into the DIY blogging arena. It’s so neat to see major…

Furniture re-dos

Dresser Unveiling….

You may recall the fabulous dresser I was given to refresh and restore to it’s glory days…. I finally finished it this evening and I cannot wait to show it to you!! After much deliberation I decided to strip…


Our Low Cost Kitchen Makeovers

Yes, low cost kitchen makeovers with an “s”… more than one. 🙂 I’m just hoping I can find enough good pictures to state my case. (The ones I have found so far are pretty old. They should give you…

new master tub
Makeovers Projects

Bathroom Saga conclusion-ish

Ok, so I re-read the post from day 2 and it sounds kind of… mean. I don’t like the direction this master bath saga is going, so I’ll just wrap this story up to a master bath conclusion. The…

Makeovers Projects

Bathroom saga continued…

This is the second part of the master bath saga. Feel free to catch up on part 1, it’s ok, I’ll wait. Day Two: my new friends show up and start to work. I can’t imagine they’d like me…