Hey there! Lots to catch you up on, but before I go there, I want to tell you about this fun project we did at the Philly Home Show this year- We made a magnet board with metal tiles…
ryobi power tools
Furniture Flippin’ making a penny table
This post was originally for a Furniture Flippin’ Contest and *sponsored by ETI-Envirotex. It was my first time to use a two-part epoxy to make a penny table. I have never done that and it was super fun! The…
I love living in a small town. The people here are so kind and small businesses can flourish. One of those small businesses is that of an extremely talented makeup artist, Melissa. She recently expanded to a larger space…
rv remodel- the finished product!
I am so excited to show you the finished rv remodel! When my client left my property, she had instructions on last-minute adjustments and a LOT of decor to place. I know she stayed up for hours to make…
rv remodel- cork board, coffee table, doors, and desk tops…
I realize the rv remodel project is dragging out and I am so excited to get to showing you the finished product, that I am going to combine the last bits into one post (and try to make it…
Hey there! When we last left off on the rv remodel, I had used tile to make a huge impact in the kitchen and a statement in the bedroom. The back bunk room that originally had held three beds…
rv remodel- two kinds of tile
Tile can transform a space. If you don’t believe me, check out my kitchen update… or see what happened in this rv. You may recall what it used to look like before, and then we added shiplap. Now we…
You may recall I have been working on remodeling an rv (links to all the associated posts are below). We left off with the couple who purchased it parking it here and immediately tearing everything out of it…. and…
A few months ago I found a really neat rustic key holder on one of those “deal” websites and was totally bummed when it was sold out. I took a look at it and just knew I could make…
In-depth tutorial for how to add faux shiplap to a powder room.…
Did you know I will be at the Philly Home Show next week to teach some workshops? Have I mentioned that a few times on social media? In addition to the tile trivet, we will be making a wine…
My apologies for the lapse in posts. We had a several day power outage due to a power pole being sheered in half by a falling tree and the power lines laying in the driveway the whole time. It…
Recently I had a client bring me a table to update. She thought it was cute, but wanted it to go with her current decor scheme and thought a shelf would make it a more useable side table. I…
This is a multi-part series about the kitchen in our former house and what I did to get it ready to sell. It’s pretty extensive so I broke it up into pieces. This part is about the kitchen bookshelf…
2015 Holiday Gift Ideas This year I thought I would mix it up a little.. Because while I am a DIYer and love tools… I am also a girl and occasionally do try to look nice… Here is my…