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Makeovers Projects Ryobi

My old kitchen bookshelf

This is a multi-part series about the kitchen in our former house and what I did to get it ready to sell. It’s pretty extensive so I broke it up into pieces. This part is about the kitchen bookshelf…

Makeovers Projects

Home Gym redo

Hey there! Life has been absolutely insane lately. If you’ve been following on IG or facebook You’ve seen the chicken coop build progress and all the work I have going on… a few months ago I was able to…

Projects Ryobi

Junk and a Ryobi brad nailer

Today is just a super quick post about not overlooking junk and how you can make something awesome in just a few minutes. I am trying to get ready to do a really cool feature wall in my dining…

Projects Ryobi

Building storage in the shop with Ryobi

I love my new shop. I know when it’s “done” (because let’s face it, will it EVER truly be D.O.N.E…..nope) it will be an amazing workspace. I love heading out there, I love not having unfinished work in my…