This looks like a much quicker project than it was. I love working with designers and decorators to help clients update pieces. This painted dining set was one of my favorites. I am only sorry I don’t have shots…
Hey there! Lots to catch you up on, but before I go there, I want to tell you about this fun project we did at the Philly Home Show this year- We made a magnet board with metal tiles…
rv remodel- the finished product!
I am so excited to show you the finished rv remodel! When my client left my property, she had instructions on last-minute adjustments and a LOT of decor to place. I know she stayed up for hours to make…
rv remodel- cork board, coffee table, doors, and desk tops…
I realize the rv remodel project is dragging out and I am so excited to get to showing you the finished product, that I am going to combine the last bits into one post (and try to make it…
What is a “cremone bolt” and how to construct a cabinet with a cremone bolt door.…
In-depth tutorial for how to add faux shiplap to a powder room.…
Review of the gas powered jet fan blower from Ryobi. The Ryobi 2 Cycle Gas Jet Fan blower is a leaf and debris blower for your yard.…
Hey there! If you’ve been following along on Instagram you saw a photo I posted a few days ago of a sad and ancient dresser: The drawers would pretty much fall completely in, it was super lose and just completely…
This is a multi-part series about the kitchen in our former house and what I did to get it ready to sell. It’s pretty extensive so I broke it up into pieces. This part is about the kitchen bookshelf…
Hey there! Life has been absolutely insane lately. If you’ve been following on IG or facebook You’ve seen the chicken coop build progress and all the work I have going on… a few months ago I was able to…
The 5-year-old is learning the wonders of the Xbox. We had a 360 that was 10 years old. Remember 10 years ago when the 360 first came out and you couldn’t find them anywhere? It was the grown up…
Today is just a super quick post about not overlooking junk and how you can make something awesome in just a few minutes. I am trying to get ready to do a really cool feature wall in my dining…
Ok, if you’ve been a reader here for a while, you know how much I love my Ryobi Power Tools Corner Cat Sander. I mean really- look over to the right, I am making out with one. 😉 I…
I love my new shop. I know when it’s “done” (because let’s face it, will it EVER truly be D.O.N.E…..nope) it will be an amazing workspace. I love heading out there, I love not having unfinished work in my…
Hey there! Today I am going to show you a “quick” dresser re-do. If anyone ever tells you painting furniture is easy and quick… I am guessing the possibility exists, they have never done it or done it correctly….…