Hi there! Lets try something new and fun today, shall we?
I was contacted by my fabulous friend Elisa over at A Pinterest Addict to participate in a blog hop….what is a blog hop?, you ask. Well, this particular “hop” involves getting to know a bit about a few “fine” blogs. What an honor for me! I wonder if this blog falls into the category of “Fine”…. but shhh… let’s just play along.
I was sent some questions to answer and then I tag another blogger to answer the same ones. Sounds fun, don’t ‘cha think? You get to go check out their blog when you’re done here and it’s a fun way for us bloggers to reach people we’ve never met before as well as a great way for you to find new awesome sites for inspiration. To quote the fabulous Michael Scott, “It’s a Win-Win-Win”
Without further ado…
What Are You Working On Right Now?
Ummm… this blog post? 😉
HA! …but seriously, 500 things… writing contracts, finding show sponsors, some custom jobs for clients, vacation recovery of the house, moving out of one space and enlarging another, organizing workspaces, cleaning the garage to make room for space for a spray tent, planning projects and timelines, … the list is insanely long… so if you see me at the grocery store and I have a strange vacant stare… you now know why. (Oh and I don’t hardly ever go to the grocery store because I a blessed with a husband who likes to cook and he does ALL of that…. so please also ask me why the heck I am even there….)
This is what my workshop looks like after vacation and what the inside of my brain feels like right now. (We’re obviously REALLY good friends, or I would NOT be showing this to you…just sayin’)
How Does My Work Differ From Others in This Genre?
Hmm, my blog? My actual work like the furniture….? Well, I feel like maybe I am the only one who often “bites off more than she can chew”…but maybe not.
In my furniture work I use a lot of color and feel like my influences and inspiration are a bit all over the place- Mackenzie-Childs and Jackson Pollack one day, the condition of the playroom, HGTV and magazines the next. Blogging wise, I blog less than others do. I wish I could find the time to do it more, life just gets in the way. Part of the planning is what do I want to do with this site… and how do I do it? (btw- suggestions always welcome- is there something you want to see? Tell me!)
Why Do I Write/Create What I do?
…because it fulfills some inner desire I seem to have to create. The projects themselves have turned into more a passion or a lifeline and NEED than a want now. I feel like I have found the thing that at the moment of my creation, I was absolutely designed to do. Even in the midst of a project that has turned into a disaster, I am in my element and truly enjoying every moment of it. I learn something with each new venture and my development has helped me help others with their projects. I get to educate and help others with their projects and that brings me great joy. Plus, I have ADD (shocker, right?!) and blogging and redoing furniture and decor seems to work well with that. I can jump around and still do what I do, keep my job, and look professional. (Go me!)
The blog itself just started as a desire to just keep track of my crazy projects. It’s still that, it has just turned into so much more. I don’t feel like I am a writer. It’s never anything I enjoyed or feel I do it well. Being “forced” to write for this blog has opened up a whole new world of people I would have never met otherwise, amazing opportunities, and love. The people who blog are awesome, creative, driven, kind, caring, and generous, had I not done this, I would have never known any of them.
How Does Your Writing/Creating Process Work?
For me with the blog, it’s a “sit down and do it” kind of thing. I have hundreds of pictures I would love to share with you one day that may or may not get a story to go along with them. I’ve done so many projects I haven’t even touched on here and so many more I want to do. The list gets longer every day.
For the furniture and building, if it isn’t a custom job, I let the pieces “talk” to me. Sometimes I look at Pinterest for inspiration, sometimes I just paint it a color I think will sell quickly, but sometimes, like with this piece:
I just decide I want it like this, and do it. I don’t know if this nightstand will ever sell. It was my “can I do it?” experiment… I had a vision of what I thought I wanted. It’s changed a few times and as a result this piece may never be “done”, since as you can see, it still isn’t quite finished. I will say I really expected most people to hate it. I mean, it is admittedly weird. ;o) I do, however, get more positive comments on it than any piece I have ever done. So I guess, I do ok….
Well… those are MY answers… Do you have any questions for me?
I now get to throw it to someone else… <drumroll…..>
I pick Serena over at Thrift Diving… she’s awesome! She’s been my roommate at Haven both years and her drive and passion are on an insane level. I have SO much respect for her. Head over and check her out. I can’t wait to see her answers!
Tour Of Fine Blogs
August 11, 2014 at 1:30 PM[…] sending you on to my friend, Scottie. Her blog is Saved by Scottie – and unlike me, she is crazy artistic. And she is trying like […]
Serena @ Thrift Diving
August 11, 2014 at 1:31 PMWell, since I have been tagged….here goes…. LOL
August 11, 2014 at 1:41 PMCan’t wait to see!! 🙂 XO!