If you’ll recall my post about Haven last month, there were a lot of incredible companies there and I really had a wonderful time getting to know them. Once of the newest was Wallternatives. What they have is going to change the way you think about decorating- really amazing designs and the best part is they’re temporary! Seriously, wallpaper that you can put up and take down on a whim…and if you’ve been a reader here long, you know I have a lot of “whims” and the idea of easily changing things up excites the heck out of me.
Like what, you ask? Well….
Aren’t crafty or are afraid to take on that make your own project- Check out these Headboards, I love these frames and have GOT to find a fun way to use them, and who doesn’t’ love Hardware?
Recently they offered me the opportunity to try one of their designs out. Well, YES PLEASE! My oldest daughter left for college this year, this seemed like the perfect thing for her dorm.. errr, residence hall (they are no longer allowed to be called dorms, lol, these are the things you learn at orientation). So I handed her the computer and said “pick”. (Wasn’t that nice of me? I thought so….)
She is a HUGE John Green fan and adores his books. She waited on the edge of her seat for the movie based on “The Fault in our Stars” so it wasn’t an incredible surprise to me that she chose the Reach for the Stars Vinyl Wall Decal in the medium size. She has the cutest bedding she chose (because doesn’t everything have to be new your first year of college) and loved the persimmon color because it was a near perfect match to one of the colors in the print.
Taking her to school was quite the adventure. Richmond is only about 90 minutes away…. Usually.. somehow on move-in day, it was almost FOUR hours! Seriously… it was ridiculous. Know what the upside is to taking your first baby to school under duress to get unpacked and settled quickly? There is absolutely no time to be sad… or even think about it. Seriously…. never mind the amount of stuff she took with her… we were frantically just trying to get it all in the room since it was probably over an hour just to get up the elevator (I kid you not… and we had to do it twice- yep, that much stuff). Props to the college though… they have obviously done it before and have the whole system down to a science.
I didn’t go to orientation so I had no idea what the rooms look like. They’re CRAZY small y’all…. I am not even kidding. I just hope everyone gets along because there is no room in there for bad attitudes.. just sayin’….
We found what we think to be the perfect spot for the fabulous decal:
Yea, this spot needed some love (isn’t that bedding adorable?) The application is seriously super easy and they sent a cute tool to make it even easier.
Check it out:
It makes her smile and she loves it!! Turns out I am glad she picked medium. It was a PERFECT fit! The shipping was super fast, I love that we can pull it down at the end of the year and you’ll never know it was even there.
I will absolutely be using their designs elsewhere in my home.. It’ll be fun to find some fun places to liven up sine we’re embarking on a fairly big-deal remodel in the few months (more on that later).
Want to know a secret? They told me they are adding new designs all the time… so check back lots and see what’s new. I love that… keep it fresh! Ok, run over and check them out- send me pics of what you pick- I can’t wait to see!!
(while Wallternatives did send me the decal to use and tell you about, all opinions are absolutely my own, and always will be)
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