Just Me

Where have I been? Moving

SO… where in the world have I been? Well if you follow me on Instagram and Facebook you have seen we have been moving. Yes.. to the country!


Well… have you ever had that “I just need to pour gasoline and light the house on fire because I can’t even do anything to make this better” moment?

Ok, maybe it’s just me…..

Well, we had been “there” for a while. Right around Thanksgiving when everyone else is getting all excited about seeing family and getting ready for visitors, we decided we could not spend one more minute surrounded by my work (so yes, this is ALL my fault). Now NORMAL people would probably rent storage or a work space… but not us, Nope. We decided moving was the only way to fix it. Yea.. because that makes perfect sense… at Christmas… with FOUR kids. SO… after a long and adventurous search, we found this:

after moving to a little yellow house in the country, life will be looking quite different for our family.

and it comes with this:

moving to the country brings a rustic barn workshop

I can hear you… “SO?” Yea.. well the upstairs of that is a full one bedroom apartment (with the biggest apartment closet I’ve ever seen by the way) but the downstairs… well, that’s the “prize”. It used to be used as a martial arts studio… but I converted it to a workshop for all my fabulous projects! So now instead of painting in the middle of the kitchen, I can walk a few hundred yards to the “barn” and build, and paint to my heart’s content. No overtaking the kitchen, no stepping over (and onto) hammers and paintbrushes- this is a much better scenario for us. Having my own space will be life changing.

SO let me tell you, moving just after Christmas is dumb… moving in the middle of January is ridiculous… and in the middle of one of the worst winters for ice and general disgusting cold weather (7° F), is plain INSANITY.

But here we are….

…and it’s inconvenient because of the weather, it’s remote, and feels like the middle of nowhere…

…and it’s growing on me…

…and I am really starting to love it.

So that’s where I’ve been… and what I’ve been DOING, and not blogging. However, life is settling in now and things are starting to feel like what “normal” might be for a while, so I can get back to more of what I want to do instead of what I “absolutely must do right now before something explodes”.

I’ve done a few things since you’ve seen me last. I’ll share them. Some will even be in the house we just sold. Because of course it was coming together and finally starting to feel “right” just as we put it on the market… that’s what happens, right?

There is LOTS to do here too… as we get into it, i’ll share. Paint is a big one, the whole house is beige.. ew. (no offense to those who love beige, I find it depressing… and with the LONGEST winter I have ever experienced in my life, the beige is starting to eat at my soul)

Thanks for hanging in there. I promise to try not to stay away so long next time….


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  • Reply
    March 5, 2015 at 6:25 PM

    I love your house and I love your barn!
    I’m sure it will be a beautiful workshop 🙂
    When I come and stay in the upstairs apartment I will
    Let you know how fabulous it all is!

    • Reply
      March 5, 2015 at 6:34 PM

      Thank you Lisa- I can’t wait for you to come see it!

  • Reply
    March 5, 2015 at 7:53 PM

    I love your creativity and energy, Scottie. I want to live around you so I can be inspired more. Maybe I move into that upstairs apartment for few weeks. I miss you dear.

    • Reply
      March 5, 2015 at 8:01 PM

      I miss you too! The old neighbors were over just last week and we were talking about you and your kids! ((HUGS)) Come visit!

  • Reply
    March 5, 2015 at 8:23 PM

    I hope everyone is doing well.We should plan something in spring or summer. Your old house hold great memories. Hugs to all.

    • Reply
      March 5, 2015 at 8:50 PM

      Thanks Elizabeth-that sounds great! Hugs to all of you too!

  • Reply
    Ruth Anne
    March 6, 2015 at 7:06 PM

    Your new home looks lovely! Congratulations on getting your new studio space–I’m sure you’ll be very productive there.

    • Reply
      March 16, 2015 at 9:57 AM

      Thank you! (I certainly hope so… need to get going again for sure)

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