Furniture re-dos Makeovers Shabby Paints

My Little Pony Inspiration

My how time flies when you’re overwhelmed… SOO much to do around here and no time to do it all. I am admitting defeat and doing what I can.

A few weeks ago my oldest and I went on a decor run and found this in a thrift store:

SXS Pony before

The oldest looked at me as I carried it to the register with disgust on her face.. “seriously?!” For real! I gave her a small hint into my plan and it completely changed her outlook.

I came home and stripped it clean:

sxs naked pony

Scary right? I sanded it down a bit (that star on the back end has glitter all over it) to give a good surface to start with and painted it up with Shabby Paints. I wanted to get a sold pure white so I painted Worn White first as a base to cover all the old colors and then two coats of Snow White.

Here is my inspiration photo:

SxS Pony inspiration

Gracie loves My Little Pony. She has several favorites but this one had to be a unicorn and this one is her favorite unicorn- Rarity. The best part is that “cutie mark” is pretty easy.

Really the eye is the pony so that is where I would have to spend the most time. I blew up a picture of the eye and grabbed a pencil and some very small artist brushes.

sxs pony eye process

then ended up here:

sxs pony eye done

I started adding the mane back (though admittedly she still looks like she could use some Rogaine).

sxs pony mane


When I was completely finished, she looked a bit like this:

sxs pony head


The rear was an easy one. I ordered some crystals online that weren’t big enough so I improvised”

sxs pony fanny

First thing Gracie says when she sees it? “Umm, she needs eyeshadow.” Yep, not what I was expecting. Ugh… ok, drag the pony back out to the shop…. mixed up a custom Shimmer for “Miss Thing”

sxs pony eye take 2 sxs pony eye shimmer


So… yea..

Much better reception the second time around…

Here is a close up of the finished head (with a much better camera) and a full shot of the bookcase in Gracie’s room:

sxs pony head close up sxs pony bookcase

So what do you think? It’s not the highest quality bookcase, but seriously, it’s adorable and will last longer than her fascination with ponies I bet…

(Oh and in case you’re wondering, I sealed it with Shabby Varnish for shine and the eye color is a few versions of custom blues I mixed up)

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Shabby Shannon
    June 9, 2015 at 11:30 AM

    She is a very lucky girl!! Love it!!

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