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Saved by Scottie Project Soup
Just Me Projects rv and vanlife

Project soup

I am up to my eyeballs in projects…It’s taking all my time lately so I thought I would give you a little summary of it all and you will have an idea of where I have been… I’ll get…

Furniture re-dos Just Me Video


Well, here it is.. my news I have been so excited about for so very long. I am going to be filming a web series!! Can you believe it?! I am so stinkin’ excited I can’t stand it!! I…

Furniture re-dos

A cute table

A week ago or so I got an email from Alex. He lives in the same town and stumbled across the blog. He’s a furniture painter too and wanted to know if I carried the pain in my home.…


chair contest

chair contest

Remember... you want to vote for the PURPLE one... (and I completely agree with what you're thinking- the teal one is SO cool too!!)