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Makeovers Projects

Home Gym redo

Hey there! Life has been absolutely insane lately. If you’ve been following on IG or facebook You’ve seen the chicken coop build progress and all the work I have going on… a few months ago I was able to…

Makeovers Projects

The saga of the master bath…

Before I begin, let me show you our old bathroom: So late last year, we decided the fear of falling through the floor was getting old and maybe it was time to look into re-doing the master bath. Doing…

close up of trim work on finished painted desk. handles and undercoat of berry pink and top coat of light tan color distressed to reveal the berry color
Furniture re-dos Makeovers Projects

My childhood desk ‘s new life.

With all the furniture re-doing around here, the second daughter (Cori) was bound to want something for herself eventually. She finally said something (spurred on by my asking) and it was decided she’d like a desk. We searched Craigslist……