Blogging Modern Masters Ryobi Sponsors

Haven Conference 2014

I just got back from Haven Conference 2014! This year was even more incredible than the last!

There were so many really cool companies that want to get into the DIY blogging arena. It’s so neat to see major companies realize blogging can make a difference and make an effort to teach you about their products so you want to share them with your audience.

A quick run down of this year’s event-

The opening seminar was given by none other than HGTV’s Chip Wade. Host of Curb Appeal and his new show Elbow Room– which honestly I can NOT wait to see! It looks incredible. Unique and innovative solutions to the need for additional space. With the number of people in this house, I can assure you it will be inspirational!

Chip Wade sxs


I really took the most incredible class on the second day- CONCRETE! Seriously, expect to see some pretty cool stuff in the next year! I am insanely excited about the thought of some of the things this product can do! The guys from Buddy Rhodes quickly made a chair in class.

Buddy Rhodes concrete demo Buddy Rhodes concrete class

Learning abut the process was really educational. I learned so much it makes me want to redo the concrete countertop we made a few years ago. It would be SO much cooler and better this time around!


GMC was there with the gals they took to the “worlds longest yard sale” to finish a Habitat for Humanity home. Check out the desk and bench they brought with them

GMC desk GMC bench


Duck Tape was even there to promote their unique and different lines of tape for crafting. I took a picture of this purse because I can see this as a fun project for Gracie to make some weekend when she’s dying to create something (which is EVERY weekend) She is a total girl and loves the glittery and glamourous.

Duck tape purse


D. Lawless Hardware is a fantastic place to get high quality and VERY well priced hardware for furniture and cabinets. Check out this take on carnival glass:

D Lawless hardware

I HAVE to find something to use these on- They are seriously beautiful!


If you remember from last year, I fell in love with Southern Accents Architectural Antiques. Their booth was once again incredible, but Garlan brought this amazing flag this year-

Southern Accents flag

Amazing, right? Look at it up close:

Southern Accents flag close

Incredible! Someone really worked hard on this.


There were some new guys to the party as well: Modern Masters was there to show off their seriously FABULOUS line of products. You’ve seen a taste of their metallics on my antique china cabinet. They have incredible decorative finishes like this copper with patina:

Modern Masters metal effects

On the left are frames done with the rust effects kit. it’s incredible! I’m really hoping to do something amazing with some of these exact products in my home very soon! They have also recently introduced a line of front door paint

Modern Masters front door paint

A whole line of colors that are crazy fast drying and last forever specifically for painting your front door. With fun names like Calm and Fortunate. The colors are vivid and powerful! Makes me just want to paint my door even though it doesn’t actually need it… yet.

Got to meet up with some old blogging buds too: Kari Ann from Thistlewood Farms:

Kari Ann Thistlewood farms

Isn’t she the cutest?

Sarah from Sarah’s Big Idea Her chronicle of a “quick” 18-month kitchen makeover.

Sarahs big idea Sxs

I got to see the fabulous Elisa from A Pinterest Addict too- but I’m not allowed to share that photo with you. Trust me, she’s adorable! I always get so excited when I get to see of talk to her and just want to squeeze her forever since her painted chair jumpstarted and inspired my adventure of chaos and DIY.


Then there is my very favorite event- the Ryobi Power Tools party. Boy, can those people put on a party! There was food everywhere! A hugh spread of sandwiches on the left, enormous fajita bar in the back, fondue island on the right and ice cream sundae beach next to the bar. WOWIE! (Pssst…if you head to my Facebook page this afternoon I am posting the pics of the food there)

Ryobi tools team sxs

Honestly, they’ve been SO good to me over the last year and I am SO grateful! I really enjoy taking to them every year, and I love telling the world how incredible their tools are. From the top is @JobsiteJonathan, Stephanie, Jason, Mr. Ryobi (Mark) and @JayoftheNation. Jonathan and Jay are stalked by me on Instagram (Surely they secretly enjoy it…) and are always so super nice and loads of fun to be around (haven’t met one team member I don’t like yet). Plus the whole group is crazy easy on the eyes (girls included) so with all that, why wouldn’t you have a good time?!

Well, that was my Haven experience this year. Once again, an incredible experience. I can’t wait to introduce you in detail to all these awesome companies and the people behind them if I am lucky. Stay tuned… good things are happening and it’s going to be a wild ride this year!



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  • Reply
    Jessica @ Decor Adventures
    July 16, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    So great to see you again! Glad you had lots of fun. It’s always a good time at Haven.
    P.S. You’re in one of my pics going up any moment.

    • Reply
      July 16, 2014 at 1:20 PM

      Awe- Hooray!! I can’t wait to see! I loved seeing you again too! I’m heading over to your blog this afternoon when I get home from picking up furniture (of course). 😉

  • Reply
    July 16, 2014 at 1:05 PM

    So happy to get to connect with you again! You are such a rock star and I’m so excited about your upcoming opportunities. 🙂

    Happy day to you friend!

    • Reply
      July 16, 2014 at 1:18 PM

      Fantastic to see you again too! Thanks for the well wishes! This is going to be an awesome year! 🙂

  • Reply
    Ruth Anne Buterbaugh
    July 16, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Haven sure looks like a fabulous event–maybe I’ll get there next year if I get my blog up and running! Love the Modern Masters copper patina and rust finishes. See you at The Hummingbird’s Nest–my space is upstairs. Thanks for posting all about Haven!

    • Reply
      July 17, 2014 at 9:07 AM

      Thank you for stopping by Ruth Anne! Isn’t the Modern Masters Yummy? I can’t wait to play with it and make some really cool decor pieces. I am sure I will see you out at the “Nest” very soon!

  • Reply
    July 18, 2014 at 9:32 AM

    So bummed I missed meeting you! We’ll have to do a local meetup soon!

    • Reply
      July 18, 2014 at 1:06 PM

      Yes! Me too and we WILL!! Let’s try to plan something for late September!

  • Reply
    Shannah @ Just Us Four
    July 28, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    Looks like you had a fantastic time! I loved following along on Instagram.

    • Reply
      July 28, 2014 at 1:05 PM

      I did! Hopefully you’ll make it next year- or I can get to SNAP with you!

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