We’ve all been up in the Adirondacks at Brian’s family’s camp (built by his great-grandfather in the 20’s) for the last week or so. We love getting up here because it’s quiet and peaceful (well it was until my sweet, lively, and oh so “on” Gracie was introduced to it). The scenery is beautiful, life takes on a much slower pace for a few days and you’re forced to just “be”.
There hasn’t been a whole lot of updating done here… just kind of whatever is necessary to get by. The refrigerator was moved in off the porch a few years ago to accommodate for a dryer (that was a super luxury item), the stove was replaced when it was just no longer possible to cook anything on it, and when Grandma moved into a small place, she sent up her sofa to replace the musty, scratchy, kind of ugly (most likely super cool in it’s time) couch.
One of my favorite pieces up here is an old Hoosier.
I’ve done some research and I think it’s the 1922 Beauty model. I don’t really get the appeal of the Hoosier for use today as regular kitchens are better organized. (Brian calls it “an over-engineered kitchen appliance typical of the US”, which I think is funny.) It’s cute though. I’m sure it’s worth a pretty penny to a collector. I just like it for the “cool” factor and history. I found some really neat ads from the time and even one for a promotion Hoosier ran for a set of aluminum cookware you got free with your purchase (Clinique didn’t start that?). I am pretty sure a few of the cookware that are currently stored in the bottom are from that promo (which is just that much cooler if you ask me).
Why am I telling you this? Because this is the project I am lobbying for next. Brian is on board. My Father-in-Law is on board… I’m just working on convincing the Aunt. Hopefully she’ll be ok with it and I can fly up here, rent a van and drive it home to work on over the next year and drive it up in the Spring before anyone needs it again.
Fingers crossed for me…
In case you’re interested, here’s some more photos:

How cool is all the old spices we found in it last year? They’re all in mint condition and that box of Jello has a Roger Maris baseball card on the back!

Still has the original brass label. It was painted over at one point and I managed to use my finger nail to scrape off the paint without damaging the writing or tag.

Original flour and sugar storage bins still intact. Only missing two small spice jars which are fairly easily found on the “net”. The tambour doors will need a bit of help, a time consuming piece of the project I am sure, but not too bad since I think its just a matter of tightening the tape and re-gluing.
Hoosier Done (…ish)! | Saved by Scottie
August 16, 2013 at 9:39 PM[…] Remember the Hoosier cabinet my husband’s family let me take home to redo last summer? No? Why not? It was after all only an entire YEAR ago? Well, you can find the first post about it here. […]
Dresser Unveiling.... - Saved by Scottie
March 4, 2020 at 9:43 AM[…] truly one of the grossest things I have probably ever done- ick. I will have to do it for the Hoosier… if I can avoid EVER doing it again after that, I will be a happy […]