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Saved by Scottie rustic key holder complete in place
Projects Pure Bond Ryobi Sponsors

A Rustic key holder

A few months ago I found a really neat rustic key holder on one of those “deal” websites and was totally bummed when it was sold out. I took a look at it and just knew I could make…

Makeovers Shabby Paints

a little silver table

A few weeks ago I had a friend give me this little table. I looked at it for a while and it popped in my head that it looks a lot like the detailed and etched silver platters on…

Furniture re-dos Shabby Paints

Using Shimmers to Transform

Howdy! It’s been a while, life is screaming on and it’s almost Thanksgiving! What the heck happened?! Quick update on where I’ve been…. our dear family member passed on, taking care of all the afters is almost as daunting…